第5回 1つ屋根の下に集うアジアの友 春節を祝う

イメージ 1

「私達は、この国の事を勉強し理解するために、その時間と費用を自己負担して来ています。そして日本の文化や言葉を一生懸命学んでいるのです。しかし、あなた達は私達の国や文化について何も知らないし、知ろうともしてくれない。現に韓国語で数字の1,2,3さえ言える日本人は殆どいない。隣国人としてとても寂しい」 これは1997年12月東京都庁都民ホールで行なわれた、「外国人の人権と共生『住まいとコミュニティー』」シンポジウムでの韓国人留学生の発言である。




This text describes the experience of living in a guesthouse in Japan, which is home to a diverse group of people, including both Japanese and foreign residents. The guesthouse is a unique living arrangement that offers a fun and interesting experience, particularly for those who are interested in learning about other cultures and practicing foreign languages.

The article also discusses a specific event that takes place at the guesthouse, which is the annual fireworks festival in Matsudo. This event is an opportunity for residents to come together and enjoy the beautiful fireworks display.

The text then touches on the issue of cultural exchange and the importance of learning about other cultures. The author shares a story about a Korean student who expressed disappointment that many Japanese people don’t take the time to learn about other cultures, particularly Korean culture. The author emphasizes the importance of cultural understanding and how living in a guesthouse can provide a unique opportunity for this.

The article concludes with a description of a celebration of Chinese New Year at the guesthouse, which was attended by residents from various Asian countries. This celebration is an example of how living in a guesthouse can allow for the sharing and celebration of different cultures.


